Weaver High School Renovation
Hartford, Connecticut
Freeman Companies is providing Land Surveying, Civil Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering to the Prime Architect for “renovation as new” of this neighborhood high school, originally designed in 1974 for 2,000 students (more than double the new design occupancy of 900 students). A full Facilities Condition Study and Energy Analysis are part of the initial design scope. A renovation to as-new condition is proposed and portions of the facility will be renovated at a later date. The Weaver campus supports not only the student body of this school, but also several other high school programs City-wide, in addition to public uses. As such, the preservation of supporting facilities in spite of decreased enrollment has been enabled through legislative relief from enrollment based space standards. A multi-phased unoccupied renovation is planned, although use of non-renovated portions of the facility are expected to continue during construction. Construction budget is $ 65 million.
The existing Weaver High School is located at 415 Granby Street, at the intersection of Granby Street and Tower Avenue in Hartford, Connecticut. The 29.49 acre± property currently consists of an existing school, natural grass athletic fields, track and field facilities, tennis courts, concrete sidewalks and bituminous drives and parking areas. The improvements will renovate the existing school, and include a new sport playing field and track, driveways, parking lot, sidewalks, storm drainage, utility services and plantings.
Years Services Provided: 2014-Ongoing
Owner: City of Hartford
Client: SLAM Architects
Services: Land Surveying, Civil Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering
Fees: $218,050
Prime/Sub: Sub