Upper Albany Main Street Facade Improvements
Client: Upper Albany Main Street Corp.
Owner: The City of Hartford
Upper Albany Main Street (UAMS) has received funding to coordinate a multi-year project that will design and create attractive and code-compliant facades for commercial structures along Albany Avenue and Homestead Avenue in North Hartford. This redevelopment and beautification initiative will complement and enhance the larger-scale Albany Avenue Streetscape to be undertaken by various State and City of Hartford agencies. The end result of the Façade and Streetscape projects will be a restored and vibrant Gateway to the City of Hartford from the western suburbs.
Upper Albany Main Street’s Commercial Façade Improvements Program (CFIP) was developed in partnership with the University of Hartford, Connecticut’s Department of Economic and Community Development, the City of Hartford, and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. The goals of the CFIP are to:
1. Stimulate development by providing incentives that increase existing business investment, promote business sustainability, and restore the grandeur of Hartford’s Albany Avenue historic district;
2. Create an “Area of Destination” by encouraging new and innovative investments in retail and other goods, products and services;
3. Complement the City of Hartford development plan and Connecticut Department of Transportation Route 44 Safety Improvement and Streetscape Project, while integrating modern commercial building facades with new road and street enhancements;
4. Create attractive, code-compliant facades for commercial structures along Albany and Homestead Avenues in the Upper Albany community.
Freeman Companies was selected by UAMS as On-Call Program Engineer for the ambitious CFIP, supporting commercial façade improvements including conceptual reports, engineering investigations, feasibility studies, final design plans and specifications for bidding, construction cost estimating, environmental analysis and hazardous material investigation, and land surveying.
Freeman Companies is providing the following services: