Town of Brookfield: Streetscape Phase 2 South |
Brookfield, Connecticut
Project Owner/Client: Town Brookfield
Freeman Companies is providing complete and comprehensive consulting, engineering, and design services for the procurement of permits and preparation of Contract Documents (plans, specifications, and estimates) for the design of the Streetscape Phase 2 South project in Brookfield, Connecticut.
The Town of Brookfield is located in northern Fairfield County with a population of approximately 17,000. In 2015 the Town updated its Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) to include a Revitalization Plan for the Four Corners area of the Town Center District (TCD) which is listed as a high priority project for the Town. The Plan calls for sidewalk and roadway improvements, including sidewalk lights, benches and a bicycle path, all to encourage pedestrian traffic, increased safety, and to attract commercial and residential development. Phase I of the Streetscape Project was approved by CTDOT and construction was completed in 2017. |
The Streetscape Project Phase 2 South is an extension of Phase 1, south on Route 202 and includes the following:
Other elements include stormwater updates, street trees, utility relocation, and performing design services during construction such as shop drawing review, change order preparation, and design revisions. Construction of Phase 2 will begin in the Spring of 2019.
Due to the tremendous success of the project and interest in the area from multiple developers, Freeman Companies was asked by the Town to prepare conceptual plans for Phases 3 and 4. |
Freeman Companies is providing the following services: