Town of Bethlehem: Reconstruction of Woodcreek Road |
Bethlehem, Connecticut
Project Owner/Client: Town of Bethlehem
The Town of Bethlehem is defined by its small town village center, rolling hills and sinuous scenic roadways. Running from Bird Pond to State Route 109, Woodcreek Road is an important artery for the Town of Bethlehem providing a direct connection from the northwest sections of town to the village center. The 1.3 mile section of the road in concern lies between the bridge over Wood Creek and the intersection of Todd Hill Road. This section of road is a two lane rural local road and is characterized by a winding horizontal alignment with some sharper curves and rolling to occasionally steep slopes. The roadway is currently in poor condition and is in need of reconstruction. Additionally the existing drainage conditions are poor in several areas of the roadway. These conditions will have to be corrected to ensure proper operation and longevity of the new road.
Freeman Companies’ approach to this roadway improvement project is to work closely with Town of Bethlehem to understand its specific needs and objectives, preparing a series of increasingly complete design submissions for review and comment by the Town. The result is a constructible, long-lasting and cost-effective solution for the Town of Bethlehem. To study the site Freeman Companies’ core project team personnel have walked Woodcreek Road and adjacent areas and as a result, have been able to identify several key issues affecting the success of the project’s outcome. These key issues involve:
Sight Distance – Sharp curves and rolling terrain create several blind spots along the road. Our team will provide cost effective design solutions to adjust the existing alignment or implement proper traffic control devices to minimize blind spots and increase safety.
Construction Cost and Bid Schedule – We understand the Town intends to pay for the proposed roadway reconstruction utilizing town funds exclusively. Our team will provide several bid alternatives to meet the Town’s budget constraints for the Fiscal Year.
Drainage Design – There are several areas along the roadway where existing road conditions and geometry create poor drainage conditions. Freeman Companies will provide the Town with a cost effective solution to correct these poor drainage areas to extend the useful life of the proposed new roadway and protect the taxpayers’ investment.
Guiderails – The current 2 cable guiderail system is deteriorating and quickly becoming an eyesore on this scenic roadway. We recommend removing the existing guiderail and replacing it with a “Merritt Parkway-type” guiderail only when necessary based on the AASHTO roadside guidelines. This will better match the character of the Town and rural setting of the roadway.
Freeman Companies is providing the following services: