Toray Plastics: Cogeneration 2 Building, Quonset Business Park, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
Client/Owner: Toray Plastics (America)
Freeman Companies provided civil engineering, land surveying, geotechnical engineering and geotechnical construction observation services to Toray Plastics (America) for the development of their new12.5 MW heat and power “Cogen 2” building.
Previously the largest single user of electricity in the state of Rhode Island, Toray Plastics’ $ 22.7 million investment in Cogen 2 makes their adjacent manufacturing facility nearly independent of the regional power grid.
Freeman provided preliminary investigation (including conceptual site planning and opinion of probable cost); a comprehensive subsurface exploration program; site demolition and site layout planning (the Toray campus covers 70 acres); grading/drainage/utilities and sedimentation/erosion control plans; permitting; and construction documents. In compliance with Rhode island State Building Code, Freeman geotechnical engineers observed critical geotechnical aspects of foundation construction including but not limited to observation of removal and replacement of unsuitable existing fill and observation of final preparation of foundation bearing surfaces for a duration of four weeks.
Freeman Companies is providing the following services:
Images: Toray Plastics (America)