The iQuilt Project - Hartford Intermodal Triangle: Reconstruction of Union Place (Roadway Design)
Client: The City of Hartford
Owner: The City of Hartford
Union Place, Bushnell Park North, and State House Square comprise the three major TIGER-funded roadway projects called the “Hartford Intermodal Triangle”: a comprehensive urban vision for a progressive, and economically vital, city center in Hartford. For the overall Intermodal Triangle Initiative, Freeman Companies also acted as “Survey Project Coordinator” for the City with the responsibility of establishing the survey control for the entire, downtown Hartford project area. These projects were on an extremely tight schedule in compliance with FTA requirements.
Hartford TIGER project funds were used to enhance the street along Union Station in Hartford. Improved sidewalk transit facilities along Union Place, adjacent to the station, including extended curb space, better crosswalks, enhanced signal timing (intersection of Union Place and Asylum Street), new shelters, lighting, bike storage, signage, maps, and schedules integrate with downtown’s iQuilt pedestrian network and way finding program. Roadway design work included preparing layout plans, profiles, drainage plan, utility plan, and cross sections for Union Place. The roadway’s horizontal and vertical alignment was established to best fit within the existing roadway footprint and not impact the existing buildings surrounding the roadway. Intersection grading plans and roadway details were also provided within the construction documents. New layover space is provided for local buses from the eastern arm of the route network, reducing congestion on Main Street and facilitating transfers and frequent Star Shuttle service within the downtown area. Public art at the overpass at Asylum Street gives the station greater visibility. Amenities on the east side of Union Station facilitate arrival and departure of passengers by improving passenger flow and streamlining intermodal connections.
Freeman Companies’ engineers were responsible for roadway geometry design and layout consistent with the Greater Hartford Transit District and City of Hartford’s input, roadway safety, drainage design with gutter flow and hydraulic grade line analysis, land surveying, geotechnical and subsurface investigation, pavement design, utility design, quantity takeoffs and engineer’s cost estimate preparation, and development of contract documents and specifications. Freeman Companies also provided Construction Engineering & Inspection on this project. Work was complete in early 2016.
Freeman Companies is providing the following services: