Route 34 West Mixed-Use Development, New Haven, Connecticut
Route 34 West involved development of an underutilized 5.5 acre urban site for a major $ 50 million mixed-use residential/retail development in downtown New Haven. The central component of the development is a new home for Continuum of Care, Inc. a not-for-profit provider of housing, residential support and home health services, associated amenities, a new retail pharmacy and restaurant. At full build out the site will also include a new 800-vehicle-vehicle parking garage and office building development.
The 150,000 square-foot, multi-phase project will be built to LEED Silver equivalent standards with many green design features, including photo-voltaic solar panel installations on unoccupied rooftops, the incorporation of outdoor living wall elements, and the use of native flora for landscaping. Site design shapes a pedestrian-friendly environment with new sidewalks and bike racks. The proposed site drainage design utilizes infiltration practices to the maximum extent practical. The site also incorporates a new storm water connivance system with catch basins and sumps to help collect sediment and trash, underground detention and recharge areas, a rain garden within the retail parking lot, and water quality structures at the discharge points. Full design and construction on this project has been completed.
In The News: 'Route 34 West Project Breaks Ground'
Freeman Companies is providing the following services:
Images: Centerplan Development, LLC