Hebron Ave Roundabouts (at House St and New London Turnpike), Glastonbury, Connecticut
Client: CDM Smith
Owner: The Town of Glastonbury
Freeman Companies provided Landscape Architecture design services as a subconsultant to the Prime Engineer for the design of roundabouts at two intersections along Hebron Avenue, also known as State Route 94. The roundabouts provide necessary safety improvements to the two intersections. The New London Turnpike intersection is a gateway to the commercial Town Center, while the House Street intersection is a gateway to the Town of Glastonbury itself. Due to heavy traffic, these intersections were often congested, with most residents remarking that travel through these areas, whether it is via car or by foot, feels “unsafe”. The roundabouts have been put in place to alleviate these concerns.
The roundabout design was also selected due to speeding in the area. The traffic congestion and long vehicle queueing at the intersection of House Street and Hebron Avenue made it a top priority for implementation of safety improvements. A major goal achieved at these locations was to promote increased pedestrian and bicyclist safety with these projects. Freeman Companies was responsible for providing the improved street design, which will calm traffic, increase safety, encourage walking and cycling and harmonize the scale. Details reflect the vernacular of the town and incorporate green infrastructure techniques. Freeman Companies was also responsible for the selection and detailing of all aesthetic improvements including landscaping, accent lighting, truck apron, splitter islands, gateway walls, decorative pavement materials, and crosswalks. Freeman Companies coordinated plant selection and locations with the Town Beautification Committee to ease maintenance operations. Construction was completed in the Fall of 2017.
In The News: 'Construction on Hebron Ave To Start In A Few Weeks'
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