Federal Local Bridge Program: Bridge and River Surveys
Client: WMC Consulting Engineers
Owner: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Freeman Companies, LLC has provided comprehensive bridge, culvert and river survey for multiple Federal Local Bridge Program replacements projects, including: North Bear Hill Road Bridge over the Natchaug River (ConnDOT Bridge No. 04601) in Chaplin; Federal STP-Urban Funding Program: Farmington Avenue Bridge over Mattabesset River (ConnDOT Bridge No. 04474) in Berlin; School Ground Road Bridge over Branford River (ConnDOT Bridge No. 04848) in Branford; Mill Bridge Road Bridge over Bungee Brook (ConnDOT Bridge No. 04641) in Eastford, and; Peck Orchard Road Bridge over Unnamed Brook (ConnDOT Bridge No. 06176) in Hartland. Replacement addresses these bridges’ structural deficiencies and functional obsolescence.
Survey scopes involved oversight and administration of initial survey work; field visit – coordination of hydraulic stream sections/ horizontal/vertical site control; site area baseline and horizontal/vertical control points; research of records for deed and row; location of field row evidence; research of records for utilities; roadway topo-field work; 50’ & critical road cross sections; bridge (structure) measurements & detailing; under-bridge pond/stream bottom topo; river/stream spots for stream contouring; stream channel profiling (thalweg) at structure; hydraulic cross-sectioning; wetland limits flag locations; office editing and preparation of base mapping; title mylar and schedule of property owners.
Freeman Companies is providing the following services: