University of Massachusetts Commonwealth Honors College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Client: Dimeo Construction Company
Owner: University of Massachusetts Building Authority
Building and land surveying and construction layout services to Dimeo Construction Company for the University of Massachusetts, Commonwealth Honors College Complex, a new, William Rawn Associates | Architects, Inc.-designed residential and teaching “precinct” in the heart of the campus to serve Commonwealth Honors College. The facility is designed to be one of the best public university complexes of its kind in the nation, and include 1,500 beds, nine classrooms, faculty residences along with space for gathering, advising and administration of the program. The project’s design involves a seven (7) Building Multistory Residential Complex, sited on a steep slope overlooking the athletic fields. The precinct creates a sequence of four-to-six story buildings organized around courtyards that step up the hill.
Freeman Companies supplied up to three (3) survey crews per day on this project, which included all phases of construction stakeout, quality control of construction layout by others, quantity estimation, deformation monitoring, and as-built location of build faces and window installation. The project’s construction value totaled totaled $ 146 million for 500,000 GSF and the project achieved LEED Gold.
Freeman Companies is providing the following services: