College & Crown Mixed-Use Development, New Haven, Connecticut
Client/Owner: Centerplan Development, LLC
This $50 million “College & Crown” mixed-use development revitalizes the city block where George and College Streets intersect, located at the nexus of the area’s primary business district, Yale University, and New Haven’s major retail corridor. The new six-story mixed-use development has 160 apartments and 20,000 square feet of street-level retail space. An underground parking garage contains 138 parking spaces while storage for another 22 cars will come in the form of “stacked” parking—mechanical lifts to park cars on top of others. Engineers at Freeman Companies were responsible for the design and implementation of a subsurface exploration program consisting of 8 test borings, up to 50-100 feet in depth, as well as geotechnical design and construction recommendations. 20-foot deep excavation for the below grade parking was conducted very close to existing buildings along the western and northern property boundaries, and close to Crown, College, and George Streets along the northern, eastern and southern property boundaries, and special design measures were required to protect these structures. Subsurface explorations encountered existing fill overlying glaciofluvial sand deposits. Freeman Companies designed spread footings bearing on the glaciofluvial sand to support the heavy column loads for the building.
Key design considerations included designing temporary excavation support to protect four existing buildings located immediately adjacent to the site, which were founded on spread footings at higher elevations than the proposed new basement level. A stiff excavation support system was specified to limit vertical and lateral movements. Temporary lateral support was specified to protect adjacent streets, sidewalks, and underground structures. Soils at the site are susceptible to settlement from vibration, so excavation support was installed using methods without vibration. Engineers engaged in important community relations with neighbors and neighborhood groups concerning the development.
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