Brownfield Soil Remediation and Environmental Closure of 70 Edwards Street |
Hartford, Connecticut
Project Owner/Client: City of Hartford
Freeman Companies was recently selected to complete an environmental assessment and abatement project at a City owned Brownfield designated site located at 70 Edwards Street in the City of Hartford. Mr. Chalifour is serving as Project Manager. Project funding is provided through an EPA Clean Up Grant. Project activities include performing a soil remediation delineation, preparation of an Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives, Community Relations Plan, Remedial Action Plan, plans and specifications, assisting the Client with contactor solicitation and award, performing community outreach and other public notifications regarding project remediation activities, oversight of soil excavation, post excavation soil sampling, backfilling of excavation with clean fill and site restoration, entering the site into a Connecticut Voluntary Remediation Program, preparation of a Remedial Action Report and providing support for an LEP Verification that all work has been conducted in accordance with applicable local, State and Federal regulations.
The property is located in an area ripe with new and upcoming developments. Possible renovations of the railway are in development. Given the importance of this location as a catalyst for future commercial growth, this project is of upmost importance to the city and stakeholders.
Freeman Companies is providing the following services: